Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Woods

The Woods

It lies waiting in the woods
in the dark, it is gathering its strength
It caught us by surprise
the savageness within us
so uncontrollable
so primal in its desire
the urge to eat meat
and to hunt and kill
We are the monster
the beast is not from the water or air
It comes from within

I just finished reading Lord of the Flies. I haven't read it in quite some time. I remember vaguely what happened but now I remember a lot better. :) I wonder if people would turn savage without adult supervision... or if adult's would have fared much better without authority figures and checks and balances that keep society running. I love the tv show Lost and this book has a lot of similarities to the show. The creators of Lost have said that they are really influenced by other materials out there like Lord of the Flies and The Stand and the Wizard of Oz and such. Makes you wonder if anything out there is original anymore. And it makes you wonder why so many stories are the same. Is it because they speak truth? Peace out.

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