Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Newly fallen snow
in an open field
The destination can clearly be seen
a small gate across the open space
Head down, you face the biting winds
each step brings you into knee high snow
You're cold and want to get there quickly
Mind your feet and stay true
Another 20 yards
You've made it through
and turn around and you learn something small
you can't walk in a straight line at all

I'm rushing this piece cause I have to go soon. I only gave myself 5 minutes to write the poem and the rambling. Well, today, I went to a walk to the ATM and that involves crossing this open field. I'm very familiar with this field as I had to cross it every day in junior/senior high as I walked to school. I remember that after it just snows, the path gets covered and a new path needs to be made. Many times, I would be the first guy there to blaze the trail. Try as I did, I was never able to make a straight path. It would meander this way and that way. Oh well, times up. Peace out.

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