Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Maybe it's the silence over
breakfast. Or maybe it's
the lack of the high harmony
as I sing along with the morning
radio. Or maybe it's because I
have no one to say goodbye to
as I leave for the day. We are
both missing. You're not here
and I'm missing you...

Hmm... I went for a run today. I haven't ran in 9 days because I was sick and I have to say that I missed running until I started running... and then I didn't miss it so much. During the run, I was thinking "what makes people miss things?". I was watching Survivor last week and they got letters from home and they were all bawling. I dunno. I'm not sure if I would be crying like that. I understand that 21 days is a long time without contact with family/friends but I dunno if I would be crying or how many people I would actually miss. But then again, I miss having pop after a few days of not. It's just so good. Some people you miss if you haven't heard from them in a day or two... and others you don't even realize that you haven't really spoken to them in years. Hopefully, the people you miss miss you too. Here's hoping that she misses me. Lolz... I don't know what that was. Peace out.

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