Friday, October 24, 2008



Everything is fun
with our bellies full with breakfast 
and the journey has just begun
But as the sun continues to race across the sky
with empty stomachs, we tighten our belts
Our shadows lengthen
as we fear the eminent dark, cold night

I'm reading The Hobbit again for like the 5th time because it's on the top 100 novels list that I'm trying to plow through.  It's a good break from Jane Eyre.  This poem is kinda inspired by the earlier sections of the book.  I've also been thinking about shadows because I've become a little obsessed with my shadow lately.  When I run outside in the early fall evening, my body casts shadows onto the fences as I run by them.  It's my running partner.  I'm so jealous of it.  It looks like it is running effortlessly as I pant and struggle.  Its hair is so much better than mine and I'm almost sure it's better looking too.  Damn you, my hot gorgeous shadow!  I wish I was awesome like you!  Am I being silly or deep?  Peace out.

Ok, I'm back.  It took 3 miles of running but I think I figured something out while I was running.  It's easy to fall in love with a shadow.  It's tall and dark, and in my shadow's case, handsome.  But it's also 2 dimensional.  It's unrepresentative of reality.  It travels fast and its shape is fleeting.  Hmm... did I add any value with this addition?  I dunno.  Peace out again.

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