Saturday, December 20, 2008

Clean Slate

Clean Slate

The city sleeps under a blanket of snow
a clean slate
With every centimeter
more of the past gets covered up
All the paths that were taken are forgotten
and new ones must be formed
The airport sleeps and the roads are empty
as more and more snow falls
In a few days, the city will awaken
and it will be reinvented
re-envisioned by its people
like the first steps into newly fallen snow

It seems to be snowing everywhere in North America at the moment... New Orleans, Vegas, the Mid West, the Canadian prairies. There's something beautiful about a field with no tracks through it. As if it was newly made and never used. There's also something beautiful about a freshly shoveled driveway without a single flake of snow on it as it's evidence of hard work and attention to detail. There's also something beautiful about a well-timed, sincere apology that allows for a relationship to continue on a clean slate. Peace out.

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