Saturday, January 26, 2008

I Need You Closer

I Need You Closer

I want to be near to you
to hear you
to see you

I wish you were near to me
to hear me
to see me

I need you closer
the only thing I don't want
from you is closure

Hmmm... that turned out pretty good for a 2 minute piece. I totally forgot about writing today. I was already in bed reading and then I realized that I didn't write anything yet today. I just spent a few hours watching Youtube videos about drawing the human figure. That's something else I've been interested in lately. I have so much stuff in the air right now. If I'm awake enough, I should be reading because I have so much to read in order to be done the top 100 novels thing. If I'm too tired to be reading, I should be drawing because if I find myself at rest, I should be drawing and practicing/honing my skills. If I'm listening to music, I should be trying to sing harmony with it. If I'm exercising, I should be walking around my memory palace and becoming more familiar with it. How can I be bored? And yet some times I'm just too tired to do anything at all.

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