Wednesday, January 2, 2008



why is cherry so popular?
it tastes like cough medicine
the flavour of red should be strawberry
or even watermelon

I'm not sure why cherry has become such a popular flavour. I think perhaps that it's just something that we've inherited. Nowadays, all the big stars are all about being green. And the sentiment is that we don't want to leave our children and grandchildren with a destroyed world. Well I say, what about the previous generations that decided that anything red would most likely be cherry flavoured? What about THAT crime to humanity? Most children these days associate the cherry flavour to cough medicine. Why is that a such a popular flavour for candy?

As I type this, I realize that I may be thinking about this backwards. Maybe people love cherry so much that they need to make awful stuff like cough medicine taste like cherries in order to make them less awful. Eh.

My sister says that the banana flavour reminds her of medicine. Weird. Banana flavour should remind you of delicious banana rum and root beer. I'm thirsty. Laters.

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