Monday, January 7, 2008

I am Cookie

I am Cookie

My death folder is simple
It's seamless, no wrinkles
My instructions are few
It involves my ashes, that's a clue
Two cups of flour to two table spoons of me
I am cookie

Lolz, I'm getting so lazy. Technically, I didn't write a poem yesterday but it's 12:45am right now so I will still count this as keeping my streak alive since I haven't slept yet. I was watching HIMYM tonight and it was the one where Marshall and Lily had to make death folders for each other in case one of them died suddenly. Marshall made a joke about Marshall brownies. I made the same joke a while back about how I wanted my ashes baked into cookies and served at my funeral. So file this knowledge away for later and enjoy the cookies if you forget.

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