Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Eyes

New Eyes

I never liked it
and assigned it little value
but now I see it with new eyes
and it cuts me to the heart

I think I might have something with this title already. Oh well. I wanted to write about how in my personal life (is that redundant?), I have had experiences where I hated things and thought they were of so little value and so little use and then later, be convicted the other way. And then I would start crying. I did that one time, awkwardly at a noodle house in Vancouver when I shared about how wrong I was about the movie The Passion of Christ... and I did it again today in my quiet time when I read Jer. 29:11. I never liked how the verse was used. I always felt that the verse was referring to the Israelites exiled in Babylon and not to modern Christians. I'm still not sure how I feel about it but when I read it today, I bawled and bawled and bawled. Luckily I was home alone on a Saturday morning. Peace out.

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