Friday, September 10, 2010

Stories and Tales

Stories and Tales

revisiting the stories of my youth
the girls that were the models of my dream
clashing swords and riding stallions
once the wanderer, now the hero of the scene

these pages have a familiar feel
like walking home again after a long day out
those tales were just stories for kids
but they're still what I think that life is about

I watched Disney's version of The Black Cauldron today. I've never seen it before. It was alright. They combined the stories from The Book of the Three and The Black Cauldron. I totally didn't picture Gurgi like he was depicted in the movie. I thought he was a bit larger and hairier and dirtier. I dunno. I want to read the Prydain series again. I finished The Lord of the Rings just recently. I think I'm in a mood to read all my favourite series again. Maybe Narnia can be next.

I think if there was a fictional character that I relate to the most or want to be the most is Taran from the Prydain series. That's my crazy ego talking. Taran was a nobody that saved the world. That's totally me. Peace out.

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