easy to hard overnight
things are easier when you can't?
lying in bed - 2 AM
with ideas to change the world
things to do to change your life
places to go and people to see
but you can't
It's 2 AM
and nothing can be done
it will have to wait until morning
when things become hard once again
I think a lot of people can relate to today's piece. Things seem so easy when you can't actually do them. I know that I've had brilliant plans to wake up and run in the morning when the air is fresh and the heat of the day is not so oppressing, but I hardly do. It's hard in the morning. I just came back from a run, and the whole time I was running, I was thinking, "I'm gonna get home and do this and this and this" but when I got home and sat in front of my computer. It all seemed so hard. And I seemed so unsure.
Hmm... Maybe things aren't easier or harder. Maybe your level of sureness changes. I'm gonna call that girl. I'm gonna apply for that job. I'm gonna tell them how they make me feel. I'm gonna reach out and ask for help. We've all been there... lying awake at night, running 10k, driving home and we have grand schemes. We can see the future or so it seems. But then when it's time to "act", it seems so hard and you become so unsure. If only I could bottle sureness, I would find a way to sell it and profit. Peace out.
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