Monday, January 25, 2010



It's the force that keeps me here - gravity
it keeps me in your orbit
unable to generate the speed I need to leave
instead my feet sink into the soft bed of freshly fallen snow
I sit down in the cold
I have nowhere to go
The world watches and waits for it to be over
wearing sunglasses
ready for a supernova

Nice... and lame at the same time. I think that is my favourite type of piece to write. It's like my signature piece. It's how you can tell it's really written by me. Looking back, there are some pieces that I read and I am not convinced I wrote them. Haha, some good and some bad. Something that I've been wondering about lately is how do I know that some high school student or something hasn't taken one of my pieces and handed it as their own for an assignment? I dunno and probably can't be bothered to stay on top of that. On the other hand, if someone is making money off this, I better be included! Illusions of grandeur... tell me about it. Peace out.

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