Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Search (3)

Search (3)

The wind is swirling
rustling the branches and disrupting the wind chimes
to produce aleatoric music
a sound to calm my heart
from the uneasiness of the search
I pace back and forth under the birch
looking for a ring that I stupidly tied to my shoelace
for safe keeping
I keep my fingers crossed

Hahaha, Search 3 tada!!! I think that one was different enough that I can go back into my regular tone for the next one. I used to tie my ring onto my shoelace when I played football. It was something pretty stupid of me to do. I never actually lost it b/c I'm fairly good at tying shoelaces but yeah. That's the story behind the poem. I needed to think of something that I could search for. Peace out.

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