Friday, May 31, 2019

HTFILWA Ch 7: Meet-Cute

we met at mile zero
as the saying goes
sharing words as they come to us
trying to gauge the pulse of things
i knew i loved you at mile sixty-four
and wanted to see you more and more
to explore your thoughts on this and that
i became an acrobat with my phrases
creating hoops and jumping through them
i chose you at mile seventy-nine
inclined to make loving you my crime
and the evidence of my love 
would be plenty to convict and i'd pay the time

So today's chapter was on the "meet-cute" and I don't know if I've ever seen that phrase written out before; for sure I've heard it said audibly. I guess if you go on blind dates or do online dating, there's a clear memory of how you've met someone. But what if you end up with someone more organically? What if you can't actually remember the first time you met? The author had sorta a throw-away line about how in today's society, it's not about how you meet people, but it's about how you choose people (referring to the idea of online dating apps). I like the idea of knowing when you chose someone in real life. What was the mile marker? Peace out.

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