Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Hidden Agenda - Item 3: Touch her

step three
is easy if you're so inclined
but for those who don't get past step two and only pined
to touch her
to graze hands as you walk the miles
or rub shoulders
a lingered touch that makes you bolder
if it lasts for a micro-second longer
you might have told her
but the connection breaks
and you wake from a dream of dreams
a walking dream perhaps
as you complete the laps around the possibilities in your head
imagining ways to say how you feel
you've loved her and saw her
but now that you've touched her
you know she's real

I kinda like this one. I wasn't sure I had much to write for this step. I'm starting to venture beyond my experiences. I didn't walk the river this morning. We'll never know if that walk would have fixed me or broken me beyond compare. Still pretty broken today tbh.

Today was the last choir performance and after as I was talking and saying goodbye to the choir director, I initiated a hug. I think I hugged her after the Christmas performances too. She might be in the top 10 people I've hugged in the past decade. But it felt like the natural thing to do.

Tune in tomorrow for step 4: hold her. Oops. Sorry! Spoiler alert! Hopefully there's enough of a difference between touch her and hold her. I don't have any solid ideas at the moment. Peace out.

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