Tuesday, May 28, 2019

HTFILWA Ch 4: Script

I wasn't paying attention and so tripped
and found myself back on script
following the rules of the game
following the rules to avoid the shame
of texting too often
and not waiting long enough
I buy her flowers and stuff
I counted five or so span
to once again dare to touch her hand
But now I'm resolved to get out of this rut
and look forward to jump the curb at the next short cut

Chapter 4 was about the classic love script and how it makes things easier because both parties are able to read ahead and know how to play it. For me, the more romantic idea is to have a love story that does not follow the script. But there are only a finite number of stories in the world... and maybe only 3 or 4 formulas for boy meets girl.

As an aside, I think the notion of "span" being a duration of time is something I got out of the Kingkiller chronicles. Span = 11 days apparently. Peace out.

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