Monday, May 27, 2019

HTFILWA Ch 3: Context

i couldn't imagine it any other way
i'd want you to love me every day
listen to the words i say
tell me things will be okay

i don't want to picture it differently
i'd want you to sleep next to me
i'd want to know you completely
no matter the context

So chapter 3 was about context and the author takes a more cynical view on love and marriage. She talks about her grandma and grandpa's marriage and concludes that she doesn't think her grandma would have to get married if she was born in this generation. I understand that the idea of marriage has evolved through time and the circumstances/situations that would drive people to get married have changed as well. But I find it very difficult to say what I'd want in a partner would be any different whether I had the luxury to marry out of love or necessity. Peace out.

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