Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Feel the Way I Feel

I Feel the Way I Feel

I can't help it
I feel the way I feel
but I feel it every chance I can
I feel it with every ounce of muscle
every spare second of the day

I can't help it
I feel the way I feel
but I need to talk about it constantly
until your ear is numb to the sound
until my voice is nothing but vibrations in the air
until I'm the only one that cares
I didn't choose to feel this way
but at the same time
I refuse to let it go

Lately I've been hearing a lot of "I can't help the way I feel." I understand the feeling but at the same time, I feel that we like to feel things so much to a point where it drives people around us crazy. We have to force our opinions down other peoples throats. We need to write comments on articles, and make youtube videos. We have to break hearts and apologize later like robots at a press conference. I can't help it. That's how I feel. Peace out.

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