Monday, February 8, 2010



How do we look at ourselves?
Do we do it honestly
or with lies that we tell?
Excuses to make us feel better
and logical explanations to ease the truth
Our arguments are well thought out
our self accessed image is bullet-proof

Yeah, I know it's gotten cliche already but I totally was going somewhere else when I wrote the first line. I wanted to write about how I heard on the podcast Grizzly Bear Egg Cafe about a study that showed that couples that referred to themselves as "we" had a higher chance of making it compared to couples that referred to themselves as individuals. It reminded me of the book Every Woman's Desire. I'll save you some time reading. Every woman desires Oneness. Yeah. I think it was 200+ pages to say that. Anyways. See how the first line could have been used to write in that vein of thinking? I got lost along the way though. Peace out.

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