Monday, May 10, 2010

Undisclosed Desires

Undisclosed Desires

Undisclosed desires scattered on the floor
among the drab meaningless things collected along the way
Soon even I find it hard to tell them apart

Short. I know. I wonder how many people don't know what they want. I know that I don't know what I want. Or maybe I used to know what I wanted but now I don't because I've convinced myself that I don't want it since I won't be getting it. Sour grapes... the idea of settling.

Today I was listening to the 404 and they were talking about how people are just content consumers and aren't content creators anymore. This is my attempt at some content creation - A faux poem and a veiled attempt to sound deep and introspective.

Maybe the grand question of "what is the meaning of life?" is just a rephrasing of "what do I want?" It's the cliche used in movies and tv shows and books all the time. "I thought that getting this or that would make me happy, but when I got it, I wasn't." Peace out.

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