Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Into the Fog

Into the Fog

and take a walk with me
into the fog
that is our memories of years past
Details hidden by the forgetfulness of age
and moments that were once momentous
have collected dust on history's page
jam packed with fleeting emotions
and short lived obsessions
Enter the fog
and feel blindly for exceptions

My memory isn't as good as it once was. I don't know if it's something that has come with age or if maybe it's because I don't journal as much anymore. I used to be really good at remembering dates but now that I don't really have a written record of when things happened, I can only guess at the dates at best.

Today was the NHL trade deadline. It really reminded me about how many things I've forgotten or how badly I've lost track of time. Nobody remembers who was playing in the Stanley Cup 3 years ago... even if we followed it intensely. The Olympics have come and gone and it won't take long for us to forget about all our favourite athletes we cheered. Haiti is forgotten with the new events in Chile. Things will only be brought back to our attention on their anniversaries in a succinctly put together 3 minute news segment. Oh well, I've rambled long enough... on to something new. Peace out.

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