Thursday, December 31, 2009



Myopic vision of the future
barely seeing past my nose
Hyperopic when it comes to the past
seeing each step in the dance
Everything that happened this year
a blurry vision at best
Another winter diary written
to collect dust with the rest of the annals of my life
Melodramatic at its core
the rantings of a memory whore
I spend the time to read the pages
living the year in rewind
an ode to auld lang syne

Cliche at its cheesiest. I didn't know how I wanted to end this year of blogging. I was debating if I wanted to end with a bang or start the new year with a bang. (not like this piece is super awesome), but I did try to hold back from writing the past couple of days to build up the creative pressure in my head... so that when I eventually sat down, I wouldn't crap out garbage. Anyways, HNY all my peeps. Peace out.

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