Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Wanderer

I traded secrets for wheat
baubles and shiny things
Meanings trapped in word machines
The sheen from off the surface
preventing deeper gazes
I become the wanderer 
looking for my place
The race is on
I traded thoughts for a song
and the love of a red-haired maiden

I'm heading home tonight.  Whenever I go on "vacation", I always think that I'll have time to get all this stuff done.  I'll catch up on some work, I'll read all these books, play a bunch of guitar, watch a bunch of netflix, get my exercise in, sleep in, go out... It's pretty unrealistic.  Especially if I'm only going to be on vacation for 4 and a half days.  One thing I want to do is read as much of the Prydain series as possible.  The books are short and meant for kids... and Eilonwy.  Peace out.

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