Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I put a little more distance between me and reality
with every footfall on the paved sidewalks
Things will be different on the other side of this road
this driveway
this boulevard
When nothing changes, I shrug my shoulders and carry on
believing the lie that things will be different on the other side
My knees grow weak
and my heart breaks
How do I say good bye?

I've been having quite an emotional time of things lately.  Had a strange/non-traditional break up last week that's left me a lot sadder than I original thought it would.  I also was able to go home for the long weekend.  Leaving today was quite hard.  Adults don't change much after 4 months but I know that I'm gonna miss so much of my niece's development if I only see her in 4 month intervals.  I'll try to write more tomorrow but I've gotta get to bed.  Have a pretty stressful work day tomorrow.  Peace out.

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