Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Tapper

A life trapped in words
I hold onto the escalator rail
head reeling
denying the feeling in the pit of my stomach
as if it was an annoying neighbour
that would leave after a few knocks if you were quiet
I sigh and rattle the rail in dots and dashes
to the girl with the lashes and red framed glasses
"I'm new to the city and I think you're pretty"

I was in a meeting with this girl for the first time last week.  I felt like she was really playing it up to try to impress this other guy at the meeting that I knew she didn't know.  My coworker looked at me and she gave me this like sly smile cause I think she thought I was checking her out.  In reality, I was just zoned out cause I was thinking about all the work I had to do from a previous meeting.  I knew I didn't have any interest in her because when I was thinking about it later, I realized I didn't check to see if she had a ring... anyways, I just thought of her because I thought she had really weird clumpy lashes.

Anyways, again... I had this random thought today as I was going up the escalator at the Ctrain stop.  When I went to grab the escalator rail, it moved a little and I thought, "I wonder if I could communicate via morse code by shaking this rail in a controlled manner?"  Super random, I know.  I wonder what message I would communicate. I wish I had paid more attention when I was getting my ham radio license.  Look me up people.  My call sign is VE4DGT.  Peace out.

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