Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Need to Study

I Need to Study

I need to study
there might be a pop quiz around the corner
I study your eyes
so that I can capture their wonder
I study your nose
so that I can memorize the lines
I study your lips
so that when you get so inclined
to be kissed... I won't miss it

Hmm... that didn't turn out the way I was planning it in my head. Oh well. I'll write that one some other day. The inspiration for this "thing" today is due to my desire to want to draw lately. For some odd reason, I feel like I should be able to draw my future girl. I don't mean that I should be able to draw her now because I don't know who she is yet, but that I should be able to draw her.
It's a very common theme in movies and tv shows. The guy makes some grand romantic gesture by drawing the girl in all her splendor and they end up together. I think there's something really fantastic (as in fantasy) about being able to draw your girl. One thing that I'm learning as I read about drawing and such is that to be able to draw something well, you really need to understand it. You need to know what it would look like rotated. You need to understand how it would look when light hits it from a certain angle. I think that really translates well when it comes to drawing your girl. It means that you know her. That you know every feature about her. You understand all the spatial relationships of her face and body... and maybe that means you know her mind and soul as well. I dunno.

40 days in a row! yay for me.

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