Friday, February 29, 2008

The Eternal Week

The Eternal Week

Late cloudy afternoon
As I take a walk on the eternal week
Like a familiar joke that loses its
punch with time
The motors of the machine are
set to recreate every detail
Soulless bodies walking around
repeating conversations long after
the original conversationalists have died
And yet her beauty remains
Faustine, the gypsy lady

Hmmm... it seems I'm out of practice. This thing is inspired by The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares. It was a nice short read. For anyone who doesn't want to know what the book is all about, spoilers are up ahead. The book is a strange tale about this man who seems to be on a deserted island but then he discovers that there is this fantastical machine on the island that somehow took a moving picture of a week in the life of a man named Morel and this girl, Faustine. They are sort of like holograms and look real and even feel real. And by keeping this machine running on the island, Morel was able to achieve immortality because he was able to capture everything to the smallest detail... sight, sound, feel, smell and the events of that week would play over and over again for eternity. The main character falls in love with Faustine but is never really able to interact with her because she's only an image. I like reading books that I've never heard of before.

Thursday, February 21, 2008



You already know this but I have to write this down
Sometimes I forget about Your holiness
I forget and I stumble
I forget and I fall

You already know this but I need to write this down
Sometimes I forget about Your holiness
I forget about that night in December
The night that I was challenged to remember
That sometimes I make an idol of the God that I'd like You to be
Of a God who's vision centers around me

You already know this but I want to write this down
Sometimes I forget about Your holiness
but this will remind me

Lolz. So I finally got my masters diploma in the mail. So I decided to find my high school and undergraduate diplomas and put them in the same manila envelope... of course I have no idea where my undergraduate degree is. I thought I knew but I guess I was wrong. However, I did manage to find the poem that I wrote at winter conference a few years ago that I mentioned before in this blog and here it is. Awesome. I wrote this in a "Listening to God through Creative Writing" workshop and there was a cute girl in it... but that's beside the point.

Friday, February 15, 2008

(no poem)

I was tempted to just write some super weak poem today but I thought it was a good time to let the streak die. I still intend to almost write daily but now I won't have the pressure to do so as much... and now I get to start a new streak and get a little more motivated again. Peace out.

Thursday, February 14, 2008



A scream pierces the sky
As the last spring snow gently falls on newly sodden grass
All your friends are gathered and even some enemies from your past
Everything is forgotten
And everything is remembered
Like the time you got too drunk
and made a fool of yourself last December
Where did all the time go and how many opportunities did I miss?
When you touched my left elbow, did you really expect a kiss?
I'll always be asking that question cause you were such a little flirt
but alas today I'm at your funeral with a hand full of dirt

Hmmm... today's piece was different. I knew I wanted to write something involving death because I didn't want to write something romantic on Valentine's Day. That would have been too cliche. This is only a little cliche of the second rank. For some reason I decided that I wanted to title the poem "dirt" and I had to figure a way to get there at the end.

Just watched Lost - episode 4.3 "The Economist". I totally want to look at spoilers to see what's gonna happen next week. I totally can't wait... hopefully I won't ruin it for myself though.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Eve

Valentine's Eve

There is no countdown
Because it's not a big deal
Some would argue that it's not even real

I would argue that Valentine's day itself isn't real. I'm being super lazy today. Just want to get something written before PM tonight.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snowy Nights

Snowy Nights

My love for you is not loud

Some would argue that it doesn't even qualify as a whisper
It certainly is lazy
unwilling to lift a finger
Maybe it is just a tired
feeling that insists to linger
On snowy Tuesday nights

K, I'm getting good at this stuff. I crank these things out in like a minute or 2 and I don't even know what they are about or where they come from. The only thing I definitely know for sure is that they aren't any good. Oh well. Sometimes you just have to write for the sake of writing and sooner or later something good will come along.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Wall

The Wall

The wall is fast approaching
It sits there
laughing at me as I run right up to it
It knows that I don't have the momentum to go over it
It knows that its going to stop me in my tracks

I dunno how much longer I can keep this streak up. I'm a very passionate person but I also like to take breaks from my passions from time to time. I've come up to a wall and I don't know what to write about anymore. I haven't really read much in the past week. I need some more inspiration. There is only so much a person can write about after watching the semi-finals of the American Gladiators. Boo me.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Need to Study

I Need to Study

I need to study
there might be a pop quiz around the corner
I study your eyes
so that I can capture their wonder
I study your nose
so that I can memorize the lines
I study your lips
so that when you get so inclined
to be kissed... I won't miss it

Hmm... that didn't turn out the way I was planning it in my head. Oh well. I'll write that one some other day. The inspiration for this "thing" today is due to my desire to want to draw lately. For some odd reason, I feel like I should be able to draw my future girl. I don't mean that I should be able to draw her now because I don't know who she is yet, but that I should be able to draw her.
It's a very common theme in movies and tv shows. The guy makes some grand romantic gesture by drawing the girl in all her splendor and they end up together. I think there's something really fantastic (as in fantasy) about being able to draw your girl. One thing that I'm learning as I read about drawing and such is that to be able to draw something well, you really need to understand it. You need to know what it would look like rotated. You need to understand how it would look when light hits it from a certain angle. I think that really translates well when it comes to drawing your girl. It means that you know her. That you know every feature about her. You understand all the spatial relationships of her face and body... and maybe that means you know her mind and soul as well. I dunno.

40 days in a row! yay for me.

Saturday, February 9, 2008



Hey dude, sorry man
Didn't think he would do that
My apologies

Oops. Some of my photoshop work has been released to the masses. I didn't think that would happen. I thought it would stay inside the circle.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements

If I changed...
If I could have looked you in the eye for just 2 seconds longer
If I was taller... or older maybe...
If I knew what your eyes were trying to tell me
If I remembered every word you said to me...
If I could figure out why you were crying
If I could make you stop wishing that you were dying...
then what?
I wish I knew...
so I could stop wondering.

I don't really know what that was about. I just started writing something as I listened to some girl cover Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars on Youtube.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Greatest Hits (2)

Greatest Hits (2)

We've seen each other for 12 days straight
who knew that two years later my heart would break
But back then we were both unawares
As both of us walked down a flight of stairs
You slow for a moment and let me through
so that I could go ahead and open the door for you

Lame. I know. Greatest hits 2. It's pretty pathetic about what I would call the great moments of my life. Oh well. Such is me.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dota 6.50

Dota 6.50

There is a new map
So many changes were made
Where should I begin?

Lolz. I just wrote a haiku about Dota (a warcraft 3 custom map). That's totally sad.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Left Eye

My Left Eye

My left eye twitches
It does as it wishes
sleep does not stop it
I give up, I forfeit

My left eye has been twitching for a while. I don't think I'm getting enough sleep and I think I'm reading more than my eyes are ready to handle. Oh well. I just wanted to get something fast out today. I can't believe I've written over 30 pieces of junk already this year.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Greatest Hits (1)

Greatest Hits (1)

1 trip under taken
traveling out to see you
2 days journey
grain, hills, mountains, you
3 am on a thursday morning
once upon a summer
4 hours until you leave
what a total bummer
5 minutes of hesitation
wondering what should be my next step
6 seconds of great joy
as I cover you with a blanket as you slept
7 am rolls along
you awake and I pretend I'm sleeping
8 o'clock-- you're gone
and so begins my weeping

Lol. I totally didn't know what I was gonna write about today. I wanted to do something like Charlie's greatest hits on Lost season 3 and have a series of poems where I write about great moments in my life (of course... with a little extra colour), but I didn't really know what I was doing. Oh well. It was fun to write. I love how I rhymed "you" with "you" and "summer" with "bummer". I'm awesome.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Giants

The Giants

The underdogs today
fighting against perfection
Giants: champions

Go giants. They won the super bowl a few minutes ago. I can't wait to see Brady crying in a corner.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bus Games

Bus Games

Let the games begin
first to find my victim
there she is
the one in the blue and white jacket
now to make some eye contact
look away!
look away!!
pretend as though you don't have the social courage
let some more time go by
act as though you can't take your eyes off of her
but only when she's not looking at you
remember to smile before adverting your eyes
make sure you convince her that she is the hottest girl on the bus
get off the bus knowing that you either creeped her out
or made her day

Bus games are fun. Sometimes when I'm too tired to read or don't have a book on me, it's fun to play bus games. It's kinda sad but I know other people who play these games too. Sometimes, I'll purposely stare at people who are not on the bus... you know, make them feel very uncomfortable for no reason. What are they gonna do? Come on the bus and confront you? Yeah, right. The game I'm referring to in the poem is a little different but just as fun.

Friday, February 1, 2008

My Birthday Wishes

My Birthday Wishes

My mind is busy as it composes imaginary letters to you
letters to wish you a happy birthday
they are beautifully worded
I write imaginary letters to you everyday
letters that confess how much you mean to me
hoping that you know I exist
and hoping that you remember people that you don't see

Lolz. I like how these things kinda just write themselves. I know the imaginary letter idea is cliche but I was reminded of it in Slaughterhouse Five today. I just finished that book today. It was interesting. Of course, being a "great" book, it was war related... or more anti-war related but it also involved some time traveling which was a win for me.

Anyways, I watched Stardust yesterday. I loved it. Anyone who has seen that movie and knows anything about me would know right away that I would love that movie. The writer describes it as a fairy tale for adults. I wish I could read more fairy tales. I wish I was her fairy tale. Lol, there I go again.