Friday, July 23, 2010

Shotgun Wedding

Shotgun Wedding

Shotgun wedding
pregnant bride
belly showing
when viewed from the side
An awkward father
emotions torn
They pushed up the date
to before the baby was born

Yeah. Not really a normal topic that I write about. Today, I just found out that a person that I was following on Youtube because I thought she was a wholesome girl and had a good message was due today. Which is all and good but then I remembered that she got married in March and I did some quick finger counting math.

Sometimes people aren't really who you think they are. How well can you know someone without actually knowing them. I don't really mean to judge because I know that I'm not perfect. And that people can't always live up to your expectations of them. And maybe sometimes your expectations of them aren't fair in the first place, but... I dunno. Sometimes it's just so easy to judge and point fingers. Not sure where I was going with this thought. Peace out.

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