Sunday, June 24, 2012

Favourite Scenes

What are your favourite scenes?
What do they tell you about yourself?
The movies you watch time and again
The lines you play in our heads on repeat?

Who are we when we sleep?
When our inhibitions fall away?
How many nights do you regret that you took the leap?
and will you still be here when the night becomes day?

I think it's interesting when people talk about their favourite things. Growing up, I never really thought that I had favourite things. And whenever I was asked, "what's your favourite colour?" or "what's your favourite food?", I would just make up something. I think I still feel that way although now I have some canned answers so that my made up answers are at least consistent. I won't give any examples... firstly because I don't want people to think that what they think is my favourite movie may not be or that my favourite food is a lie. And secondly I don't want anybody hacking into my online accounts by knowing the answers to my secret questions.

I'm thinking about these things because even though I don't really have a clear favourite movie, I know that there are scenes in movies that I like that are my favourite scenes in those movies. And then I started thinking about my favourite scenes... and then I started watching clips on youtube. I'm chasing rabbits down rabbit holes. Peace out.

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