Monday, November 30, 2009

Maybe Not

Maybe Not

The invader returns
a consuming fire
a desire
The feeling in your gut
that wants something more
to strive for
to reach out and grab
and hold
to climb mountains
and to announce to the world
but then your stomach goes up in knots
and you think
maybe not.

One of the fastest things I've written in a long time... and it didn't take a long time at all. See what I did there? Peace out.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Daydream Chaser

Daydream Chaser

Monochrome fantasy
burnt out fairytale
with no colours left to speak of

Daydream chaser
head in the clouds
a boy who dares to love out loud
with reds and blues
and different combinations of hues

Draw your life with many colours
close your eyes
and paint your lover

Yeah, you're right. This one is a bit different from my usual stuff. I don't know why. Or do I? I don't. Peace out.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Beautiful Stranger

Beautiful Stranger

I invite you to walk with me on streets of cobble stone
the streets I once would have walked alone
between cathedrals and museums of art
built in ages so dark
And we can discuss magic, fairy tales
books about love, and books about whales
Come lay beside me in the park
when the lights of Vienna grow dark
my beautiful stranger

Last night Before Sunrise and Before Sunset were playing back to back on tv and I watched them. Good story, I know. Anyways, this piece is inspired by the films. I must have spent a years worth of time on a bus and I've never met a girl like that. Only in the movies I guess. Peace out.

Friday, November 27, 2009



She said meet me across the Rubicon
with runners and my backpack on
I hope she has everything that I lack
'cause past this point, there's no turning back
We're totally committed, all our chips are in
credit cards and a GPS device for the win

No comment. Test driving the new headphones. No opinion yet. Peace out.

Thursday, November 26, 2009



I sailed my boat through a field of snow
and hummed a song
while the world was a glow
with the moonlight that brightens the night
in this field where as child I flew kites
and this nonsense has absolutely no meaning
it's just the nonsense fiction of daydreaming

Hmmm.. not sure, but I might already have written something with the same title in the past. I was very uninspired today. Unlike yesterday, no ideas were coming to mind. I ended up surfing the net for quite sometime to try to find some inspiration. I rediscovered a girl that I love on youtube. After that, I played with my digital camera cause I somehow screwed it up and it wasn't taking pictures as crisp as I remembered them being and discovered that I was in burst mode or something. Lol. Anyways, all that to say that I have no idea what today's piece is about. Peace out.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Sneeze

The Sneeze

He needed to sneeze.
and left the room to do it.
I swear. The apartment shook.

Just wanted to get something in. I rarely write true stories but this one is straight from real life. True story. Peace out.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mutual Assured Destruction

Mutual Assured Destruction

I couldn't take my eyes off of her
for a few seconds we were back in 2004
but everything is different now
the same feelings aren't there anymore

I nudged her with my elbow and shot her a smile
and decided to sit down and chat for a while

I asked her what she was dreaming of
she said that by this time next year
she hoped to be somebody who's loved

Haha, strange title I know. I'm actually listening to a history podcast by the same name. It's rather hard to write a poem while listening to two guys discussing the cold war. This was not an intended experiment but it just saved me some time as I've fallen a little behind in my podcasts listening. Peace out.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Mad Hatter

The Mad Hatter

Come, gather 'round the table
with the Hatter and the Hare
take a seat near the end
and throw away your cares
Have vodka with your tea
and before very long
you'll be singing under the influence
a somber autumn song

"I wish you a happy merry unbirthday
you're a beautiful mess
merry happy unbirthday
to the girl in the stereotypical blue dress"

Lol. Still writing Carroll inspired pieces even though I haven't touched it in a couple days. Another weak showing on the CBS monday night line-up. Boy, I wish I could quit you. Unfortunately, I'm still hoping they will bring back Victoria. Victoria ftw. Peace out.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Loud and Clear

Loud and Clear

I want to start off everyday
waking up beside you and saying 我愛你
but you had different things in mind
other things you'd rather say
You kept things to the point
simple and clean
I got the message loud and clear, 再見

Just a little experiment. Use cantonese for the rhyming scheme. Yesterday, I figured out how to input chinese characters using the keyboard settings. I had to find a song on Youtube for my parents. Hahaha. I still have no idea how chinese works on the internet or even how people can stand having to type in chinese. I'm brutally slow... especially seeing that I don't know my chinese very well. Anyways. This ends my chinese experiment. Maybe my blog will get blocked in China now. Peace out.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

the sound?

the sound?

Where's the sound?
this silence speaks a thousand words
It knows no bounds
all I hear are crickets and birds

Where's the sound of a human voice?
the only one I want to hear given the choice
It's blocked out by my noise cancelling headphones
she avoided me like a pothole marked off with traffic cones

Lol. I don't know what that was about. Initially, I had wanted to write something inspired by Smallville but then the piece just got a mind of its own and went askew. Sound is so important. I think people often underestimate the importance of the a/v slash sound guy. That is definitely a job that should be left to the pros. Peace out.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wonderland Chess

Wonderland Chess

When the letter came in the mail, it was clear
that I was on the other side of Lewis Carroll's mirror
and my nasty habit of chasing white rabbits
has caught up with me
I twiddle my thumbs with 'Dee and 'Dum
and sob to the white queen
'bout how the world could be so mean
to dangle her in front of me for so long
I could never have captured her
I'm just the white queen's pawn

Yeah, if you're wondering if I'm still making my way through Wonderland, I am. I've read it before so it's no big deal. I'm a few chapters away from finishing Through the Looking Glass. I have it by my bed and read a chapter here and there to kill the time. Maybe I'm not concentrating hard enough when I'm reading it but I don't understand why they had to make all the movies so scary. I guess the universe is odd but still... I dunno.

On a side note, I heard Book of Love today and I'm totally obsessed with it now. Watch. I'll totally forget all about it in a few days and move on to some other song. Peace out.

Thursday, November 19, 2009



I can't say I recognized you right away
but I decided that I loved you anyways
It was just an instinct that I trusted
and I was right
I figured out who you were that same night
You were the lady of the lights

Have you ever watched a tv show and recognized a guess actor and wasn't able to recall where you know them from? I hate that. It just totally distracts me as I churn my brain, thinking of possible tv shows or movies that I might know them from. Gotta love imdb to help ease that problem. It's weird though. I think the human brain is so good at facial recognition. Sometimes it's an actress that you haven't seen in years and they look fairly different but yet your brain still says, "you know this girl. and you loved her in the past. love her now." That happened to me tonight as I was watching tv.

Hahaha. I just wanted to ramble about that as I felt like I haven't been rambly enough as of late. Peace out.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Rushed Puzzles

Rushed Puzzles

I'm good with puzzles
but I couldn't get it back together
after it fell apart
It seems that they gave me
too many pieces at the start
Not everything fits anymore
I try and I try
and I explore and explore
different configurations
and play around with orientations
but I can't get you to fit anymore

I rushed this one out to try to get it in before midnight... that's my excuse for it sucking. Peace out.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In the Forest

In the Forest

Still in the forest
lost in the woods
The compass and map you gave me
have done me no good
Every tree looks like the other
and trails wind in circles
I duck under branches
and walk through the puddles
too tired to try to go around them
too exhausted to keep running

Grass, leaves, and trunks fill my vision
If I run anymore into this forest,
I'll be running out of it by definition

Lame. I wanted to write something about zombies, but nothing came to me. Maybe tomorrow... maybe tomorrow, you'll be mine... Peace out.

Monday, November 16, 2009



I hope you don't mind being my placeholder
the one that keeps the seat warm
as I kill time to recover from the storm
Express all your feelings
and scream to your hearts content
Your stay here is free
I won't even charge you rent

I need to work on my pronoun usage. I think I change who I mean by "you" like 3 times in that piece. Oh well. It's something a highschool english class can discuss while dissecting this piece. Have fun kids. Peace out.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Missing

The Missing

Sometimes it's not about who's here
but it's about the missing
It's the emptiness that sucks the air out of the room

Sometimes it's not about who you are
but it's about the timing
We're both out of sync and can't get realigned

My head hurts
with an overtaxed mind
running the simulations
and dissecting the layers
to get a clear picture
the answer that I've been searching for within each frame

Not sure what that was about. I'm just killing time as photoshop does it's magic. Who knew separating 83 layers into individual psd files would take so long. Peace out.

Saturday, November 14, 2009



I wake up
just to stare at the autumn reflections
with my morning bedhead
and a sense of urgency
taking shape in my stomach
a hunger
that grows and grows
it lightens my head and dims my vision
Oh what a decision
yogurt or cereal?

Lame but it's something. It's no big deal that this is not a masterpiece. My masterpiece today was the completion of my vector art. Yay me. Peace out.

Friday, November 13, 2009



You are a boomerang you see?
eventually you'll come back to me
if I use the right angle
and fine tune the force
to control your flight
and bring you back to me this night
that grows dark all too soon
on this November evening
where dreams feel real
and reality seems fleeting

I had to write something since I'm falling behind on my goal of writing more. Peace out.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Everybody Settles

Everybody Settles

This counts
and everybody settles
for the guy who's not perfect
and the girl that nags
just a little too much
Not wanting to be alone
or admit a mistake
We dance our dance
into deeper holes
until there is no where to go
but to walk away
or tie the knot
If you are asking me if you should stay together
I think not.

Inspired by tonight's HIMYM. Weak season but I still have to watch. Peace out.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

lucid dreamings

lucid dreamings

the hours pass
as I blink my eyes at 6 am
and wake up at 8

to control the outcomes
even in my lucid dreamings
no matter the amount of scheming
you're always just beyond my imagination
and the lingering dream-like sensations
haunt the day and heat my blood

I haven't written for a couple days. I've been distracted playing Torchlight and watching After Effect tutorials. I want to make a music video... if only I had the raw footage to work with. Peace out.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009



quietly sit there
always looking at your phone
hoping he would call

picking at your fries
in the center of the mall
trolling the food court

you try to forget
but then you catch his fragrance
another lost day

5-7-5 it up. Another lazy writing day. Peace out.

Monday, November 2, 2009



The boom of fireworks
came out of nowhere
and made my heart skip a beat

The bright lights
interrupting the dark night sky
being released from a distant field

I see them in my back window
reds, blues, and yellows
howlers, and chrysanthemums

Remember when we saw the fireworks
and you rolled your ankle on the driveway?
You probably don't
but the sound and lights have brought me back to that day

Well, tonight, I was watching baseball in my basement, and all of a sudden, I hear three distinct booms. Like a low bass that seemed to shake my house. I thought people were trying to break in. My heart was racing and I didn't know what to do. I have an imagination, I do. Anyways, later on, I hear similar noises and find out that there was a fireworks show going on outside for some reason. I dunno. The earlier booms were probably some test shots. Who knows. Peace out.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wrong Side of Winter

Wrong Side of Winter

we met on the wrong side of winter
and gave each other half smiles
like two strangers in line
undeserving of our full efforts
none of us eager to flirt
you left with a guy
I left with my feelings hurt

Lolz. Sometimes the timing is all wrong. And sometimes the other guy is taller and better looking. Peace out.