Monday, May 18, 2009



I feel the heat coming from the vents
the fans blow to cool off the CPU
I sit and attempt to write a piece about you
the girl dressed in white who stands there alone
responsible for choosing the ones who go home
and nervously, I approach you in my uncomfy tie
the first thing you notice is that I'm terribly shy
I force a smile and run off to dream up some prose
and hope in the end that you give me a rose

Hahaha, that was totally not the piece that I intended to write when I sat down.  I wanted to write about someone else, but instead I started writing about the bachelorette.  Haha.  Oh well.  I usually don't watch that stuff but I found myself watching some of it tonight between the whistles of the hockey game.  I would die if I was ever on a show like that.  I wouldn't stand a chance with all those other guys.  It's a good thing I would never put myself in that situation.  Peace out.

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