Monday, February 18, 2019


i keep putting one foot in front of the other
not sure if i'm walking towards you or away
the way i can't tell if you even hear me 
or understand the things i'm trying to say
i wave them in the air 
as if the words would float
and find connection with you
why do i feel like i've been here before?
tracing old paths
locked behind doors
the gated garden
the park bench
i put one foot in front of the other
i'm spent

Walking is romantic.  And lame at the same time.  I have the desire to do 100k steps in a day on my fitbit.  I don't know if it's possible.  It seems just beyond reach.  This past Saturday, I did 35k.  It was enough to acquire the next fitbit badge in my collection and it was a distance that felt safe.  All the reading I've done on walking (sigh... I can't believe I read about walking) said that you should slowly build up your mileage.  I want to add 5k every Saturday and see what sort of wall I hit.  To do 35k on Saturday, I did about 5 hours of walking.  I think if I could run some of it, I'd be able to do it in less time since my running cadence is much faster than walking.  Peace out.

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