Wednesday, February 27, 2019

math (3)

i always consider you in my math
in fact, i don't know how i told time before you
before i was able to mark intervals between seeing your smile
the time we spend together is measured in miles
my fluttering heart quickens my feet
i must remember to slow down to cherish you

Math (3) baby! I wasn't sure I was going to be able to find time to write today, but the beauty of being on day 300 on Friday on Duolingo and writing (probably) my 600th poem on this blog on the same day is too fun a coincidence to pass up.

Three more sleeps til 45k. I was excited when I did the math. If I stick with my 5k steps more each Saturday plan, and I started my first Saturday at 35k, then by the week I do 100k, I would have walked a total of 945k steps. If I assume I do 1,700 steps/mile, then I would have walked 555 miles. Unfortunately, the Proclaimers song requires me to walk 500 miles and then 500 more before she will actually love me. Oh well... maybe there's still time? Peace out.

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