Sunday, February 4, 2007

The List

The List

As a child, she sat and dreamt of me on her tire swing
She is adorable while donning a fake mustache
Her antics make me smile from dawn to dusk
Her beauty makes me long for the night

She reminds me of a time in the past
When things were innocent and full of naivety
She comes from a time that never existed
When knights fought dragons

Yet another lame poem. The other weekend, I was watching Practical Magic starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. I watched it because I’m a huge Sandra Bullock fan since my favourite movie on paper is While You Were Sleeping. In the movie Practical Magic, as a child, Sandra Bullock’s character decided that she never wanted to fall in love so she made a list of “impossible” things that her true love would have and then she bound that list with magic. She wanted to make sure that her heart would never be broken. I don’t want to ruin the movie for you guys so I’ll leave it at that.

Some people would argue that I do the same thing. I make a list of stupid/impossible things so that I never have to date and therefore, I will never be hurt. Lol… and some other people would argue that I don’t have the luxury of making any sort of list. Only time will tell. Anyways, back to the poem… Some of my favourite people have told me that I have an old soul or something to that nature. I like that idea and that’s probably why they are some of my favourite people. I’ve always been fascinated by the whole King Arthur mythology. I long for the imaginary times where girls were either gorgeous or witches and the good guy got the girl in the end. As I write this, I’m looking at my favourite painting that lives on my wall in poster form. It’s The Accolade by Edmund Blair Leighton. Go redheads… perhaps in the future, I’ll write a poem inspired by that painting.

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