Saturday, June 1, 2019

HTFILWA Ch 9: Choosing

i was perusing
reading the fine print before the choosing
smelled the stem and checked for bruising
the instructions were confusing
looks from the people waiting behind me were accusing
but i've grown tired of all the losing
i took extra time to do some musing
to make sure this was the right fusing
the one i should take home

As I said, I'm doubling up today so that I can finish this book tomorrow and move onto new projects. This chapter was about choosing... based on the premise that if you could fall in love with anyone, how do you choose? I think a lot of these later chapters have had similar themes and I'm hesitant in sharing my thoughts on these topics because I feel they may be better suited for later chapters. Tomorrow's the last day of this project so I'll make sure to include any thoughts in tomorrow's posts. Peace out.

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