Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Regret Collector

She enters the scene
a lady in green
hair soak'n wet
I lose yet another bet
I drink to remember and I drink to forget
with pockets full 
full of regrets
I collect them for show and tell
something to talk about when people talk about their boring daughter and son
what did you do on the weekend?
I drowned in a ocean of things I should have done

Wasn't sure where I was heading with this one but I did want to capture a thought for eternity and I think I did that very well.  I was thinking of the line "some drink to remember. some drink to forget" and according to the trusty internet there are some studies that actually show drinking can help you remember things... but it's more like at a subconscious level.  Sort of like how smells help us remember.  Peace out.

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