Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Regret Collector

She enters the scene
a lady in green
hair soak'n wet
I lose yet another bet
I drink to remember and I drink to forget
with pockets full 
full of regrets
I collect them for show and tell
something to talk about when people talk about their boring daughter and son
what did you do on the weekend?
I drowned in a ocean of things I should have done

Wasn't sure where I was heading with this one but I did want to capture a thought for eternity and I think I did that very well.  I was thinking of the line "some drink to remember. some drink to forget" and according to the trusty internet there are some studies that actually show drinking can help you remember things... but it's more like at a subconscious level.  Sort of like how smells help us remember.  Peace out.

Monday, December 10, 2018


I caught feelings
connecting dots on my popcorn ceiling
as I lay awake at night
bathing in the city light
as it streams through my imperfect blinds

I play with rhymes between my fingers
massaging them and learning their texture
I am haunted by the hope of her
the smell of her
It's torture
and I have to be at work in three hours

For some reason, I decided to re-watch the Haunting of Hill House tonight.  Who needs to sleep right?  Sigh.  Not this guy.  Peace out.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

rainy day

I'm saving these for a rainy day
words that I may never say
things that I may never tell her
sigh but they are oh so clever
I'll write these lines in a book for my imaginary shelf

I have so many good lines that I've debated writing on here because I want to document how charming/clever I could be... but then I wonder if the sun has actually set on my opportunity to use them in real life (irl as the cool kids say. ;) ).  And the fool in me says maybe not yet.  The dreamer in me thinks maybe there's a way...  Come back tomorrow and read all my lines.  Peace out.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


I caught myself feeling sad
wanting what I could not have
It snuck up on me
at three in the morning
tossing and turning and asking google what time it was
I closed my eyes and wait and wait and

How does it end?  Oh I really like spoilers.

I was thinking today that it's a good thing I'm not speaking into microphones regularly anymore.  I was a really emotional person behind the mic.  There.  I said it.  I'm not sure what it was. Just having a mic in my hand and speaking really got my emotional juices flowing.  I know.  I know.  No one knows what I'm talking about.

Oh yeah.  For those interested.  The relative humidity in the hallway at the moment is 21%.  Peace out.

Monday, December 3, 2018


zero is real
now that i know how you feel
a shot in the dark
one hundred per cent missed the mark
good luck to you
the me 
in the next iteration

It's weird.  I've continued to obsessively track the relative humidity in my condo.  It goes up and down and up and down depending on if I have the humidifier running.  But it likes to settle around 19%.  Oh to have intermediate states.  I feel like a flip flop; flipping and flopping between 0 and a 100%.  Today, zero is real.  Peace out.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Relative Humidity

Even my floors know I'm alone
showing gaps due to the dry winter air
creaking and shrinking with each passing minute
I'm in it
a deep, crazy obsession
the band plays
I'm on a mission
Inhale and exhale
I sweat and cry tears
And place cups of water in the open air
Look at my stupidity
trying to increase the relative humidity

I've been obsessed with many things lately.  One of those things is the song Sound Of by Jann Arden.  One of the lyrics in the song is "I am not lonely swear to God I'm just alone".  What a lovely line.  I've noticed that the gaps in my "wooden" floors are increasing in this dry winter.  My Nest said that my place was at 17% relative humidity (RH).  That will not do.  I did some research.  Apparently people will put about 1.25 L of moisture into the air per day just doing their normal activities.  My place wouldn't be so dry if there was another person living in it...

I bought a humidifier instead and have obsessively been tracking the RH in my place all weekend.  I'm up to 24%.  I'm not sure if my floors have changed very much but it's nice to live in a place that feels (moisture-wise) like someone else lives here too.  Peace out.