Wednesday, November 28, 2018


i love her. she loves me.
i love her. she passes.
i'd rather not, but she's got it bad.
i don't want it
she doesn't think i'm an upgrade to what she already had

4 states
dates or lack there of
i should have said this
the could'ves
roll your dice to see if you love me
i'll do the same

exclusive or
the logic gate of heart break.

Today sucked. Gaps in my floors are forming in the dry winter air.  And the last two lines of today's piece was stuck in my head all day. It's a clever two lines but the piece as a whole is pretty poor tbh.

It's natural to think that the i love her, she loves me state is the ideal, but life can be more complicated than truth tables.  In some cases, I think I prefer i love her, she passes.  That way maybe I'm the only one that gets hurt.  So heroic of me.   I know.  Husbands and boyfriends, stop letting your wives or girlfriends read my blog.  Obviously everything I write is about you.  Love is dead.  Suspicion sits the throne.  Peace out.

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