Monday, September 9, 2013

The Jar

The optimist says it's the light at the end of the tunnel
The pessimist - the goal that can never be reached
We seek for hope to find
We die in ditches waiting for relief
I jumped hoping to reach the stars
Only to fall short again
Hope - remains trapped in the jar

The reference I'm making in this piece is rather obscure so I'll spell it out more clearly as a favour to my future self.  I just started listening to an Audible book today that is a series of lectures on Classical Mythology.  One topic covered today was Pandora and her jar (not box).  The jar contained all the evils of humanity and when she opened it, they were released to the world... but only hope remains in the jar.  The professor asked what that symbolized.  Is hope good or evil?  I say it depends.  Peace out.

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