Friday, December 31, 2010



So this is the story
with its cast of characters
stages designed and dressed
costumed made up and ready to be worn
special effects brought in to mimic a storm
but the writer has been sitting
and twiddling his thumbs
He's lost the ending of the tale
does the man die
or get saved by a whale?
is the ending a surprise twist?
does anyone get what they wished?

That was totally not what I intended to write today. I guess sometimes things just have a will of their own. I wanted to write today to end off the year. It's funny cause a lot of the time, I think of my life as a movie and I, of course, think it would make a great screenplay. At this point in my life, most of the characters have been casted, the set has changed, and the ending is still totally unclear. Even the genre isn't clear. Am I staring in a movie where I play the hero? Or is it more of a modern flick where it's just a glimpse in the life of a "normal guy" where the viewers leave the theatre wondering what in the world they just saw. Farewell 2010. Peace out.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Up in the Air

Up in the Air

Talk me off the ledge
bread. cheese.
something to drink
to pass the time
A cup in my hand
the feeling of glass
I stare at the clock
as time passes and past
things come to mind
I play with the memory
with too much care
the future's unknown
it's all up in the air

I haven't written in ages. I've forgotten how to write. Last night, I watched Up in the Air. That was the last movie that I've seen in theaters. I watched it last Christmas break and now I watched it this year around Christmas again. It's weird but I think I want to watch that movie every Christmas break. I want to make it a new tradition.

Traditions are weird. At some point, someone has to decide that it's a tradition and that's why we do it. If the tradition was something practical, it wouldn't really be a tradition, but just something practical you do. For instance, washing the dishes after dinner is not a tradition. Christmas time is the time of year that the most obvious, visual traditions can be observed. I've never really been someone that observed a lot of traditions. I guess I need to make some up as I go. Peace out.