Thursday, August 8, 2019


i can't get past this dish
a pasta dish served cold
i wish and wish
you'd break the mold

the patterns seemed to have been set
i lost the bet it seems
i go through reams of paper
boxing myself even further into the corner
i just want to hold her once
before the pumpkins are harvested
and i walk to work in the dark
and i walk home from work in the dark
i stopped her before we could even start
mumbling something about protecting her heart

This is classic me around this time of the year. Give me space and grace. Peace out.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


the shadows in the night feel so unfamiliar
now that i've unpacked the final box
i choose to walk and walk and walk
trying to tire myself out
i give an internal shout and sit up in bed
with ideas racing through my head
craving sushi
who is she
"to know her is to love her"
and i've lost before i've even started

I finally unpacked the last box.  It only took me 11 months.  Challenge completed.  I've had the same shadow in that corner of my condo the whole time I've lived here and now it's different.  Peace out.

Saturday, August 3, 2019


I was happy before I met you
at least that is how I remember things
but how is it I can't stop thinking about you
where are you now?
who are you with?
will we ever be together again?

I have been hungry since I've met you
never satisfied
always wanting more
I cannot be satiated
I have gone gaunt
you are all I want

I'm really just writing this to remind future me that I read "One Day in December" by Josie Silver around this time in my life. I should not be allowed to read romance. Peace out.