Saturday, March 24, 2012

Good Enough

I can't wonder but to think that I'm not good enough
that I don't have the stuff
Not an ounce of me even doubts
that I'm someone you could live without

I can't help but to think that one day I'll be proven right
maybe not today and maybe not even tonight
but someday in your life
you'll regret being my wife

I can write stuff like this because I'm not married... and don't have to worry about such things like not being good enough or being married to the wrong person.  I couldn't even begin to imagine what that would feel like and I wish it on everyone.  That was not a typo.  Haha.  Peace out.

Monday, March 19, 2012


it's that look
your right dimple exaggerated by the lighting
like lightning 
feelings ignite in the pit of my stomach
butterflies - their wings churning
fuelling the burning in the corners of my heart
disrupting the dust that gathered in piles
my life upside down - the result of a smile

This is something stupid that I wanted to write because I jokingly said at life group today that I was in love with this girl that I've met once.  This one is for you girl.  Peace out.